Saturday, July 27

As technology advances and our lives become increasingly intertwined with the digital realm, it’s important to consider what happens to our online presence after we pass away. This is guide to prepare for virtual death. While death is an inevitable part of life, preparing for our virtual afterlife can bring peace of mind and ensure that our digital legacy is managed according to our wishes. In this article, we will explore practical steps you can take to prepare for your virtual death.

Virtual Death Coming

1. Take Inventory of Your Digital Assets

Start by compiling a comprehensive list of your digital assets, including social media accounts, email accounts, online subscriptions, and any other online platforms you actively use. Make sure to include login credentials, recovery information, and any instructions you have for handling these accounts after your passing. Store this information in a secure and accessible location, such as a password manager or a trusted digital estate planning service.

2. Appoint a Digital Executor

Designate someone you trust as your digital executor, who will be responsible for managing your online presence. He will prepare you for virtual death. Communicate your wishes to them and provide them with the necessary information and access to carry out their responsibilities effectively. Consider including a provision in your will or creating a separate document specifically addressing your digital assets and appointing your digital executor.

3. Understand Platform Policies

Familiarize yourself with the policies of the platforms you use regularly. Each platform has its own rules and procedures for managing accounts after a user’s death. Some platforms allow for account memorialization or deletion. Some others require specific documentation or legal procedures. By understanding these policies, you can ensure that your digital assets are handled according to your preferences.

4. Share Your Wishes with Loved Ones

While it’s essential to designate a digital executor, it’s also helpful to share your wishes with your loved ones. Communicate how you want your online presence to be managed and any specific requests you have regarding your digital assets. By having open conversations about your digital afterlife, you can ensure that your loved ones are aware of your desires and can support your wishes.

Example Scenario: Jane’s Preparation for Virtual Death

Let’s consider an example to illustrate the importance of preparing for your virtual death. Meet Jane, a tech-savvy individual who actively uses social media, maintains a blog, and has various online subscriptions. Jane takes the following steps to prepare for her virtual afterlife:

  1. She creates a document listing all her digital assets, including usernames, passwords, and instructions on how to handle each account.
  2. Jane appoints her sister, Sarah, as her digital executor, explaining her wishes and providing her with access to the document.
  3. She reviews the policies of the platforms she uses and notes down any specific procedures required for managing her accounts after her passing.
  4. Jane shares her digital afterlife plans with her close friends and family, ensuring they understand her wishes and can support Sarah when the time comes.


Preparing for virtual death is an important aspect of modern-day estate planning. By taking inventory of your digital assets, appointing a digital executor, understanding platform policies, and sharing your wishes with loved ones, you can ensure that your digital legacy is managed in accordance with your desires. Remember, just as you plan for your physical assets, it’s equally crucial to plan for your virtual ones. By embracing the digital age and preparing for our virtual afterlife, we can ensure that our online presence and digital assets are handled responsibly and in line with our intentions. By taking these proactive steps, we can bring peace of mind not only to ourselves but also to our loved ones.

In an increasingly digital world, preparing for virtual death is a reflection of our evolving relationship with technology. It allows us to leave a lasting legacy and ensure that our digital footprint is managed with care and respect. By treating our digital assets as valuable and important parts of our lives, we can navigate the complexities of the digital afterlife and maintain control over our virtual identities.

Remember, it’s never too early to start preparing for your virtual death. Take the time to create an inventory of your digital assets, appoint a digital executor, familiarize yourself with platform policies, and share your wishes with loved ones. By doing so, you can shape your digital afterlife according to your preferences and make the transition for those left behind as seamless as possible.

In the end, preparing for virtual death is an act of responsibility, consideration, and thoughtfulness. It is a way to ensure that our digital presence continues to reflect who we were in life and that our memories are preserved in a manner that honors our wishes. Embrace the digital age, plan for your virtual afterlife, and leave a meaningful and well-managed digital legacy for future generations.


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